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The information on this site should be up to date, but should not be considered official as most of these documents are not in Spanish.  The official legal documents as well as most historical documents can be found on TownSq.  Google Translate can be used to translate this site but has been found not to be 100% accurate.  The format of some documents have been edited to make them easier to search for specific topics.

Communications made through the forums on this site will in no way constitute, or be viewed as, a legal or official notice or comment or question to the HOA or any official or employee of the HOA for any purpose.

Official communications and requests should go directly to your Sub Regime Committee Chair, your Master Representative, or Associa as appropriate.

Contact information:

Sub Regime and Ad Hoc Committees

Board and Master Representatives


To submit corrections and updates for any page on this site contact [email protected].