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8.1 Color Scheme Implementation and Approval

The color palette for Loreto Bay has been developed to create an atmosphere of neighborliness and harmony. Light colors are encouraged for walls that are not fully shaded by landscaping or architectural elements. The location of light and dark colors on exterior walls must consider solar gain and reflection, for example, bare walls need to be cooled with the use of light colors that are not harshly reflective. Where there is no shading or vine cover, walls facing south or west must have a value of less than 50 per cent saturation.

8.2 The Color Palette

The color palette contained in the attached Appendix has been approved for use in Loreto Bay. Homes may be painted one shade darker or 2 shades lighter than a color in the palette; for example, Sherwin Williams 6221, may be 6222 darker or 6220 or 6219 lighter.

8.3 Changing Exterior Color and Color Not on Approved Palette

Owners must obtain Design Review Committee approval of the selected palette color for their home’s exterior prior to changing the paint color, even if a color from the palette has been selected. For any color not included in the approved color palette, Owners must obtain an approved variance from the Design Review Committee. In either circumstance the Design Review Committee will consider the chosen color’s compatibility with the colors of adjoining properties and may require Owners to choose another color.